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This page is part of the Dog Waste section of New Animal Control.Org
The Canine Sanitary Facility The contamination of the water supply by dog feces is a serious problem around the globe, yet the current animal control system, plagued by the usual inertia, seems powerless to craft a satisfactory solution. In the can-do spirit of the new system, this website hereby suggests that, as a society, we change our ways and begin flushing our collective dog waste into the sewer system, in contrast to the current approach, which allows it to collect in our lawns, landfills, public spaces, and waterways. There are those who insist that channeling dog waste into the sewer system is impractical because a dog can't use a toilet, which is true. No dog could ever squat atop a human-style commode and hope to remain balanced there long enough to smoke a cigarette and contemplate his role in the universe. But we can construct a type of toilet that dogs can use, and we can teach them to use it. How the Facility Works The idea of a canine sanitary facility is simple. A metal toilet bowl is set into the earth at ground level, surrounded by a slightly sloping apron of concrete that will vary in size, depending on the number of dogs that will be using it. Dogs will drop their feces on the concrete apron. The feces will then be swept into the ground level toilet bowl and the waste flushed into the sewer system. Your dog is perfectly capable of holding his bowels until he reaches his destination. That means that, once your dog has learned that he is supposed to eliminate only on the apron of the commode, you will be able to take him for a walk without having to face the choice of either leaving his filth on the ground or having to pick it up and carry it around with you. Each facility will need a push broom and a hose for cleaning the concrete after the feces have been swept in and flushed away. With sunken toilet bowls installed below ground level, there is always the danger that objects with sewer-clogging potential could find their way into the bowl. Therefore, every bowl should be covered by a lid, which will be opened only when feces need to be disposed of. The Canine Sanitary Facility in Public Places Dog commodes can work well in the backyards of private citizens as well as in public places. Really, any location with ready access to a sewer line can host a sanitary facility. However, there are a few extra things one should take into consideration when constructing such a structure in a park or other public location. First, be sure that the lid covering the toilet bowl can be locked down securely, in the event that that should ever prove necessary. However, remember that a locked lid need not close the facility. Dog owners can simply sweep their dog's droppings forward, and a park employee or citizen volunteer can come by every so often to unlock the bowl and move the waste into the sewer system. Each public facility will need a prominently placed sign that reads:
Dog owners who don't care much for scooping will want to train their dogs to eliminate directly onto the concrete apron, and to eliminate there only. Those people will benefit from the installation of hooks that will allow them to tether their dogs on the apron for short periods during the training process. Because some dogs will need to spend a little time at the public facility while they are being commode trained, it is important that the concrete apron be large enough to accommodate several dogs at once.
This page is part of the Dog Waste section of New Animal Control.Org |
Written by Craig
Mixon, Ed.D.,
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Mixon, Ed.D., 2003-2025.