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Seven Dog-Related Services Local Government Should be Providing with an Eye to Eliminating the Barking & Biting Epidemics:
We're certainly not getting those services now. When you point the accusing finger at your elected representative, he'll tell you it's not his fault, because, "There are just too many dogs and too little money to provide services at that level," which is true. The other part, about it not being his fault, that's not true. Our legislators passed the laws that allowed this enormous number of dogs to come in and live among us. Then they failed to pass dog food taxes and/or neglected to establish licensing fees in amounts sufficient to pay for the services necessitated by the presence of the large canine population that they allowed in. The city fathers need to either raise enough money to provide first-rate dog-related services for the current population of canines, or restrict the size of the dog population so their number is consistent with the city's capacity to provide services. The way things are now, they're dancing to the tune of industry, and burning the candle at both ends in the bargain, an act that is scorching dogs and humans alike. We need to stop asking how cheap we can go and start asking how good we can get. Let's begin by deciding what services we require and determining how much that will cost. Then we'll raise that much money, instead of allowing a shortfall to exist and then using that as an excuse for providing inadequate services. There is an awakening stirring. The powers that be should not expect the citizenry to go on indefinitely accepting the notion that government is an innocent bystander in all this when the behavior of government officials has clearly created and now perpetuates the sweep of our dog related problems.
This page is part of the New System section of New Animal Control.Org |
Written by Craig
Mixon, Ed.D.,
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Mixon, Ed.D., 2003-2025.